Hi! I'm Maan.
You know what they say about motherhood, right? That it's hard? Well, that's true except "hard" is a vague word. Motherhood is more like being pushed on top of a moving train and holding on for your dear life and you wish it gets better tomorrow, but it doesn't, so you just continue to get so blown away by strong winds and you keep gasping for air. And it's also the most beautiful, incredible thing in the world and I love it.
I've been sleepless and been waking up exhausted for what feels like centuries. And as if I have lots of extra time in my hands, I actually decided to blog! Yaaaayyy *fake laughs* But guess what, when I started writing my first article, it felt so good. It felt kinda therapeutic to release all those mommy feelings I've been keeping to myself for a long time and know that lots of other tired mommas can relate to me and can actually learn from my experience (I'm a noob btw, ftm here).
So let me just get this straight: honest, uncensored, and straight up unadulterated mommy stuff - that's what you'll find here. Because let's be honest, that's what we moms need. We don't have time and energy to deal with bullcrap LOL. Let's just get everything straight, sip coffee together, and be there for each other.
I am a mommy to a chubby, mega-energetic, clingy boy plus 3 adorable fluff bears who I love with all my life. I also have a full-time 8-hour day job, and a minor freelance writing gig on the side - what in the world did I get myself into?!
Thanks for being here.
We got this, mommas!